Town of Sharon Planning Board

 Meeting Minutes of December 20th, 2006

Amended and Approved on January 10, 2007


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser - Chair

Wayne Bradley

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Amanda Sloan - Clerk



Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, Consultant



David Wluka

Kenneth Barton

Peter Shinney – Tedeschi Foods

Tom Houston


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Chair Eli Hauser


Meeting Discussion

Chair’s Report

  • Performed by Mr. Hauser


Meeting Minutes of 11/8/06 and December 6th

  • Board reviewed draft meeting minutes of 11/08/06. Mr. Cohen made a motion to approve meeting minutes of 11/08/06 as amended and Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.
  • Board reviewed draft meeting minutes of 12/06/06. Mr. Cohen made a motion to approve meeting minutes of 12/06/06 as amended and Mr. Bradley seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.

Sign Review

Peter Shinney, of Tedeschi Food Shops came back before the Board to re-present a sign permit to repair the existing pylon sign box and existing awning at Tedeschi’s on Pond Street. Mr. Shinney went to the DPW to obtain a copy of the PO Square guidelines and presented the Board with an updated version of the awning using a red color as appears within the historical paint chart. He stated the sign on the pylon will be made of Lexan. Mr. Shinney agreed that within 2 to 3 years Tedeschi’s would look to refurbish both the Tedeschi and Mobil signs. Mr. Lauenstein moved to approve the awning sign with the condition that the permit is extended only until December 31, 2007. Mr. Bradley seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Mr. O’Cain presented the Coldwell Bankers request to add an additional awning to their property. The color presented was blue and the Board asked Mr. O’Cain to go back and ask if they would change the color selection to fit more in line with that of the historical colors.


Bond Approvals

Mr. O’Cain presented a bond recommendation for Hunter’s Ridge for the second half of the roadway. Mr. O’Cain added an amount of $346,000 to the existing bond. Mr. Bradley was concerned that the bond did not include landscaping costs for the abutters. Mr. O’Cain agreed to redo the bond to add landscaping costs along the 20 foot buffer and cost of the fence along the wall.


Mr. O’Cain presented a bond for the King Philip Estates subdivision to release two lots. Mr. Cohen moved that a bond for King Philip Estates dated 12/20 be approved. Mr. Bradley seconded. All voted in favor 5-0-0.


Mr. O’Cain discussed a bond reduction for Pine Grove Estates due to the homes being completed. Mr. Cohen moved to approve the reduction of the bond for Pine Grove Estates pursuant to the Town Engineer’s memo dated 12/20/06. Mr. Bradley seconded the motion. All voted in favor 5-0-0.


Form A

Mr. O’Cain presented a Form A for King Philip which had already been approved. The purpose for discussion was because the land is partly unregistered land and partly registered land. Because part of the land is registered, a plan must be filed with Land Court which has its own requirements. Mr. O’Cain stated he had overlayed the lot lines and they are the same on both plans. All members of the Board signed the Land Court version.


Mr. O’Cain presented a Form A for Maple Avenue because the residents want to make the lot bigger. Mr. O’Cain stated that the lot meets all requirements. The purpose of the plan is to divide the property into a total of two buildable lots. Mr. Cohen moved to approve the plan subject to the plan being modified to state setbacks for the shed on lot 2 and to authorize Assistant Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain to approve the plan as the Planning Boards Agent.


Inclusionary Zoning

Mr. Tom Houston of Professional Services Corporation, PC came before the Board to discuss amendments to the Sharon Bylaws that would mandate inclusionary zoning. Mr. Houston provided the Board with a packet which includes the current bylaws and some options for word and text changes. Mr. Hauser asked Mr. Houston to establish a matrix to identify potential unintended consequences of the bylaw language, establish environmental consequences of the decision like traffic impacts, housing and business, tax impacts and review zoning regulations. He asked Mr. Houston to provide a cost estimate for these services and meet with the Board to evaluate feedback from public hearings, interviews and to share concerns. Mr. Hauser asked Mr. Houston to help the Planning Board create a bylaw that stands up to judicial review.


In discussing the Intoccia properties near route 95, Mr. Lauenstein indicated that this land is one of the few remaining sites for a town well. He also discussed a court order to be able to test the land and the well as well as potential impact. Mr. Bradley indicated that this land was an ideal location for commercial development.


Mr. Lauenstein is preparing work on the inclusionary Zoning bylaw. He stated that it should be legal, fair, easy to administer, and prevent back sliding on the 10% quota. Mr. Bradley indicated that we cannot require developments with less than six units to contribute affordable units and wants to know how to address small projects. Mr. Lauenstein said he is looking for a legal way to include smaller developments.  He suggested using deed restrictions to satisfy the affordable quota. Mr. Hauser suggested that an inventory be performed to determine the number of large and small developments. Mr. Lauenstein agreed to perform the inventory along with Mr. O’Cain to determine the exposure of the Town backsliding due to small developments.



Ms. Sloan will be the Planning Board representative to the open space planning committee.  Mr. Lauenstein made a motion to nominate Ms. Sloan and Mr. Bradley seconded the motion. The Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on January 10th at 7:30 pm, Town Hall.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn meeting at 11:00 PM; Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

Administrative Assistant